Reviews - Talking Tapas


Still unsure if Talking Tapas is for you? Have a read of what some of our lovely clients have to say about their Spanish courses! (For reviews of cookery courses click here)

"¡Hola! I have been learning Spanish with Heather for a few years now and I absolutely love it. It really helps when I travel to Spanish speaking countries - we learn about the culture and customs too! My home cooking is also much influenced and improved by all that I have learned about Spanish food at TalkingTapas. Great small group teaching in a very Spanish atmosphere - you feel that you are almost there!" (5 stars) - Liz, December 2020

"A fantastic way to learn Spanish and taste amazing tapas. I have enjoyed Heather’s relaxed way of teaching the language and been so interested to learn about the culture .
I have certainly found that my holidays in Spain have gained a new sense of freedom . It’s so nice to have the confidence to walk in anywhere and communicate in Spanish. My experiences in Spain have been 100% richer after starting Talking Tapas and I enjoy the course so much I am back for the eighth time." - (5 stars) Rhiannon, December 2020

"What can be a better way of learning to speak Spanish than with Heather at Talking Tapas? Learning to converse in Spanish while sampling tasty, home cooked tapas is delightful. A pleasant, home environment is such a more relaxing place to be taught Spanish compared to a classroom or learning from a CD/online.

We have learnt much about Spanish culture and the regional food and wine. We can now confidently book accommodation, restaurants and travel including buying tickets, asking for directions and making purchases in shops etc. Spanish is the language spoken in many holiday destinations such as the Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Central and South America, the Carribean and of course Spain therefore being able to speak Spanish is extremely useful. Plus learning a language is keeping our brain cells working!

A wonderful bonus at Talking Tapas is that Heather gives us recipes cards for her delicious tapas. We have a great selection of meat, fish, cheese and vegetable dishes to suit all tastes. Our friends and family have very much enjoyed our new found culinary delights too.

Conversing in Spanish and tasting Spanish cuisine is what Talking Tapas is all about. Buenas conversaciones y tapas deliciosas!" Janet and Chris - 2019

"I have just completed another Talking Tapas course with Heather and once again it has been superb. Heather pays attention to every detail in order to taper the course to our needs. We have had lots of opportunity to practise the Spanish we have learned, whilst also learning about the amazing fiestas the Spaniards enjoy. Truly fascinating!

The tapas dishes that she makes for us every week are delicious and Heather very thoughtfully caters for different dietary requirements. In fact nothing is too much trouble. A very special and unique course!" Christine - 2018

"Heather is a fantastic teacher, always encouraging and huge fun. I have tried evening classes and CD’s but Heather has given me the confidence to really try and get it right. Her cooking is 'The Best'! Everything she makes is delicioso! So much variety and she has helped me learn more about Spanish regions and the food of each area.
In the past I have had some problems when ordering food in Spain but hope and think I will now be able to order something I really like, as well as vegetarian meals for my husband which previously has been a real challenge! I am looking forward to my next course in September!" Janey - June 2018

"Lovely two terms of Talking Tapas. Delicious tapas, a huge variety of yummy treats, great language, so good to get the grey matter working and plenty of research for a gastronomic trip to Spain. Thank you Heather!" Kate - May 2018

"I was looking to continue learning Spanish without the effort of learning all the grammar. Talking Tapas with Heather is a great course and has the added attraction of delicious tapas! We have conversations about the food, drink, history and traditions of all the various areas in Spain...our Spanish is improving and we have a good laugh at the same time!" Sue - April 2018

"Buenos días Heather. Before we start our fourth course with you, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed each class. You manage to fit so much in, and they are a relaxed, fun, and full of flavour way to learn the language and recipes of Spain! Each week a different region with culture and recipes to match, it is hard to choose where to visit next! Looking forward to starting again in a couple of weeks." Di - March 2018

 "Heather is an inspiration, I have now completed four courses with Talking Tapas and each one has been fantastic! The food is delicious, Heather's love for the Spanish language, food and culture is infectious and I truly can't wait to visit Spain and put my new skills to the test!" Sarah - December 2017

“What a fantastic course to go on (although I use the phrase course, it seemed more like a group of friends, in a friend’s house exchanging conversation along with some fantastic tapas!). A really relaxing and extremely tasty experience, even without wine!! You made me feel totally at ease and you have the patience of a saint. Very much looking forward to our next course in September!” Diana - July 2017

"Such an enjoyable experience. This course has taught me 'real life' Spanish in a relaxed and fun way.

The tapas are amazing and Heather's way of teaching means every week your knowledge and confidence grow, the laughs get louder and you feel inspired to get out to Spain and start Talking Tapas!" Rhiannon - July 2017

"I have now completed 3 courses with Heather in Talking Tapas and I'm truly hooked! Heather's skillful combination of teaching the language and culture of Spain, combined with delicious Tapas dishes every week, is a winning formula.

Heather's enthusiasm for Spain is infectious, and has made me keen to visit the different regions that we have learned about. This has given me the opportunity and confidence to use the language we have practised for a variety of situations e.g. ordering food and drink, reading menus, travelling on local transport, booking hotels, shopping and much more. I can't wait for the next course!!" Chris - April 2017

"A wonderful way to spend a morning at Talking Tapas - educational, entertaining and ¡muy deliciosa! Thoroughly recommended. Gracias!" Lesley - February 2017


"I recently spent 5 days in Seville, somewhere I have wanted to go to for a long time. I was particularly keen to try out the language, knowledge of the culture and tips I had learned during my lessons at 'Talking Tapas' with Heather.

On previous trips to Spanish cities I had probably not embraced the culture, to its full, due to my ignorance of how life worked in Spain! Heather taught us about the lifestyle and most importantly when and what to eat to gain the best experience.

This insight into the Spanish lifestyle certainly changed my experience and we felt part of the vibrant and lively food scene! We enjoyed some fabulous food in some wonderful restaurants and bars, also due to some very helpful tips on the best places to go from Heather.

I felt much more confident when ordering food and drinks and my attempts to order in Spanish were much appreciated by the Spanish waiters. We had practised ordering from menus in our 'Talking Tapas' group and I was really pleased to be able to use some of the phrases I had learned. I was even told I had a good Spanish accent!! I was also able to find my way around the menus more easily as Heather had introduced us to many of the dishes during our lessons and I felt much more informed when making choices. It even gave me confidence to try new things.

We had a wonderful holiday in Seville and I can't wait to go back to Spain.

Thank you Heather!"        Chris - October 2016

"Thank you so much for the Talking Tapas lessons, they have been such fun and a great way to learn Spanish in an informal and friendly atmosphere.

You are the perfect hostess! The tapas have been fantastic and it has been great fun trying the recipes out on friends and family at home."   Chris - October 2016

"I would definitely recommend Talking Tapas to anyone who is nervous about learning a new language.

Combining language, culture and beautiful food all in one lesson is just brilliant.  Heather has introduced me to the Spanish language and culture with such enthusiasum that it has inspired me to learn more and I am very much looking forward to starting her next course in November!"    Sarah - August 2016

"Excellent tuition and training materials, superb tapas and an idyllic setting makes for a very conducive learning environment.

No bigger endorsement than the fact I immediately signed up for the next course! Highly recommended."     Simon - August 2016

" I'd definitely recommend Talking Tapas to anyone thinking of learning Spanish! I have to say that the tapas that accompanied my Spanish lessons are some of the best I have ever eaten - I am inspired to try and make some myself! I loved learning something of the culture of Spain as well as the language. This is such a unique way to learn but a truly brilliant one - thank you!"     Nicola- February 2016

"What an awesome taster session, lots of delicious tapas, and Heather - the most excellent teacher of all things Spanish, we learnt some history, geography, cookery and even how to speak the lingo - would definitely recommend Talking Tapas for a fabulous way to learn Spanish and have a lovely time doing it. Thank you Heather for a fantastic experience!"     Rachel- March 2016

"What a lovely host you are Heather. Delicious food and learning lots of interesting Spanish facts and phrases along the way. Highly recommended!"     Susie - March 2016

“My wife and I decided to try and learn a bit of Spanish before going on a walking holiday to Andalucía in November 2015, and a friend recommended Heather and advised me she was starting a new venture from home. I called her and she was instantly friendly and very welcoming, so I booked up a block of 6 lessons. She put me at ease straight away, and had ready a pot of steaming coffee and some lovely little tapas, including olives and figs with mozzarella.

The lessons have been expertly planned with dialogue and pronunciation sheets ready for us, and then voice recordings sent through on “What’s App” when we got home so we could practice. I have found the pacing of lessons excellent and throughout this short course my confidence has grown massively. I’ve particularly enjoyed learning the cultural bits and bobs Heather has passed on and we have learnt valuable lessons gained from when she lived in Spain.

Heather is a great teacher and I would recommend “Talking Tapas” if you want to learn about the Spanish language and culture.”     Mike - October 2015

"Talking Tapas was a super cool way for me to learn practical Spanish. It’s a really unique and quirky introduction to both the language and the culture. It was much easier than I had imagined. I couldn’t recommend it enough. Thank you Heather"     Katey - October 2015